Mental Toughness Workshop was Enjoyable and Helped the Team

“The Mental Toughness workshop was very well thought out. The topics were really helpful and had the coaches and players communicating openly. Thanks for your time and looking forward to you being more involved in future.” – Jay, Rugby Coach, Yorkshire

I’m a More Confident and Consistent Goal Kicker

“After spending a month in pre-season practising my pre-kick routine regularly with you, I found my kicking improve drastically – helping the team win some really tight games. Thank you for your help!” – Ben, Rugby player

I’m Now Feeling Mentally Sharp

“After spending over a year on the sidelines because of a serious knee injury I wanted to be sharp when I returned so I didn’t let myself, my team-mates and coaches down.  It was so tough mentally to get back to the level I played at.  To put the injury to one side.  David helped …

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