
Improve Your Sports Coach Leadership Skills

Do you often look at your athletes and feel that they could make better decisions?

Do you question yourself on occasions?

Do you feel frustrated with the way your athletes carry out your instructions from time to time?

Are You Looking to Become a Better Coach?

Coaching Psychology

As a sport coach, you may be scratching your head, wondering what else you can do to help your athletes or players.   

You may thinking about different approaches and wondering what impact they will have in the long run. 

Why because your messages just aren’t getting across.  

Your players aren’t fulfilling their potential.

Results just aren’t what they should be.

By working closely together you could learn specific Sports Psychology and Mental Toughness strategies to improve your sports coach leadership skills and boost the performance of your athletes or players.  If you’re looking for quick solutions and results you’re in the right place.  

Why not check out the BLOG?  With articles, Sports Psychology and Mental Toughness tips, videos and podcasts designed to help you become a more complete coach.  Whilst also helping your athletes or players improve how they perform under pressure. 

Common Coaching Challenges

Busy Coach

Managing Your Busy Schedule

Are you a coach who has a huge range of responsibilities or you juggle coaching alongside a full or part time job?  Or it may be you sell clothing or equipment and even compete too.  Learning tools to help manage your busy life and ensure that you are fully effective with your athletes is important for some coaches.  If this resonates with you, you may benefit from our expertise. 

Coach Communication

Communicating Effectively

To be able to communicate effectively and change your communication style according to the situation or athlete is a skill that you can develop.  We help you understand and identify when you are communicating clearly as well as how the environment impacts on the way that you communicate. We also help you understand why some of your messages may be getting lost.  

Coach Development

Remaining Calm Under Pressure

In sport, because of the pressure to produce results, the onus on winning and the levels of commitment required to succeed, emotions can sometimes be difficult to control. We help you to learn strategies taken from emotional intelligence to help yourself. Additionally, you can also go on to share the useful strategies to aid your athletes.

Coach Stressors

Remaining In Control

As a coach you are not in control of a lot of things. The behaviour of the senior managerial team above you, your athletes’ actions, results, crowd behaviours and a whole lot more! We help you manage day to day stressors better so that you feel more in control and more confident in your decisions.  You’ll also sleep a lot better at night!

Sports Coach

Keeping Perspective

When your team or athletes are struggling, some coaches can lose heart and confidence in what they are trying to achieve.  On the flip side some coaches are very confident in their ability, arguably too confident, therefore having someone question them in a quietly challenging way can help them reflect on their coaching methods more effectively.  

Coach Development Plans

A Coaching Development Plan

We work closely with ambitious sports coaches so that you can keep on improving.  If you would benefit from outside impartial support to help you assess your sports coach leadership skills and coaching philosophy and your future coaching goals we can support you to get a clear coaching development plan in place.  We can also hold you accountable so that you follow through with your intended actions!

Demystifying Mental Toughness Podcast

Demystifying Mental Toughness

Demystifying Mental Toughness is a podcast for people who want to reach their goals faster and are curious what high performing athletes and professionals do to fulfil their potential.  If you’re a motivated athlete, coach, sport psychologist, mental game coach or executive listen in for proven and practical advice in this podcast.

"I recently had a profiling session with David where he accurately identified my most productive working environment and my natural dominant traits. The session was delivered in a relaxed style, which I really liked, and it was very easy to ask questions if there was something I didn’t understand. The information David gave me was very clear and I could fully identify with the examples he used to explain my results in more detail. One thing that I found particularly beneficial was that he gave me an insight into how my dominant traits interact with each other, as this explained some of the challenges I have been facing in my coaching recently. I was also given some practical strategies linked to both my natural and less dominant traits, which is going to be very helpful when thinking about my next steps. A great session, thank you David!"

Sport Coach Support Services

1-2-1 Sport Coach MOT

This is a one-off session for coaches in need of some fresh ideas to recharge their season or career.  Often sport coaches can get caught up in the day to day treadmill and lose sight of why they coach, what skills they bring to coaching and how they can keep on developing.  In this uplifting session we use performance profiling to help you gain a fresh perspective.

Face to Face 1-2-1

Sessions take place near Newcastle Upon Tyne, at your home, training facility or an agreed meeting place.  A minimum commitment of 3 hours contact time is expected where we work together to help you improve your sports coach leadership skills or overcome challenges that are making your coaching less effective. 

Online 1-2-1

Many coaches lead very busy lifestyles and travel frequently, therefor,e working together online using Facetime, WhatsApp, SKYPE or Zoom Video Conferencing to help you improve your knowledge of sport psychology to help both yourself and your athletes is popular.

360 Degree Feedback

If you’d like to go the extra mile to help your squad, club or organisation achieve its targets we can offer comprehensive 360-degree analyses tailored to meet your needs.  This process can entail detailed feedback from athletes, coaches, specialists and management.  Even fans, should you choose!  We can also carry out behavioural analyses in training sessions and on match or event days for specific personnel (athletes, coaches or specialists).  Leadership, Mental Toughness and Club / Organisational Culture reports can also be added in for developmental and performance evaluation purposes.

Bespoke Group Workshops

Group workshops can be organised for your club or organisation to upskill your coaching staff on specific aspects of Sport Psychology.  The sessions are tailored to meet your needs where we demonstrate proven tools and techniques learned through specialist training and experience from working with elite professional and highly motivated amateur athletes and coaches.  The workshops are fun and enjoyable providing new and helpful opportunities for coaches to maximise their potential with plenty of laughs along the way.

"I'm now aware of why I worry about my players more than another coach I work with thanks to working with you David, and don't waste time on it. Also I realise why I'm not the best at delegating things to the players but then get stressed because I take on too much. I know I can't have it both ways. I'd recommend working with you for any coach - it can only help the way they communicate and motivate their players"

If you learned more about Sports Psychology with our resources and support would you improve your coaching?

Do you think with additional tools in your coaching toolkit that you could help your athletes perform better?

Your Sports Psychologist David Charlton

Sports Psychologist David Charlton


A talented golfer who dreamed of being a professional as a child & who struggled with his mental game.  With 10 years experience & a Newcastle based HCPC Registered Sport & Exercise Psychologist.  He enjoys helping athletes, coaches & teams achieve their goals quickly with simple & practical solutions.

David Charlton Sport Psychologist Golfer
"When we discussed potential Coach Development support in the Football Association programme I was very hesitant. However, a credit to you David, you've changed my perception of Sports Psychology in a more positive way. I found the sessions we did were very helpful for me in my coaching and job with the Foundation."