How To Remain Composed As a Goalkeeper Under Pressure #BITESIZE

How To Remain Composed As a Goalkeeper Under Pressure #BITESIZE

Andy Elleray

Andy Elleray has worked within goalkeeping for over 15 years, being able to develop some of the brightest talents in the UK.

His career has seen him work for clubs such as Chelsea and Bristol Rovers, and within the female game for the English and Welsh Football Associations.

He is a best selling author and has published 10 books to date around goalkeeping, and more recently branching into children’s fiction.

What is the most mentally challenging position on the football or soccer pitch?  Many people would argue it’s the goalkeeper.  Common psychological challenges goalkeepers face include; coping with mistakes and bouncing back strongly, dealing with tough and physical opponents, playing the ball out from the back with their feet in uncomfortable situations, communicating effectively with team-mates, selection issues and dealing with time on the bench.

Today, Andy Elleray, an author and goalkeeping coach, who has worked for clubs such as Chelsea and Bristol Rovers tells me about mental toughness and how it applies to goalkeeping sharing some advice, I also provide a suggestion on how goalkeepers can help themselves remain calm and composed when faced with difficulties on the pitch.


Key Learnings

  • All goalkeepers make mistakes.
  • Being able to accepts making mistakes and move on is a skill that goalkeepers can develop.
  • Helping goalkeepers master the controllables is essential.
  • Trigger words or physical triggers (using sweat bands or super-hero bands) can help goalkeepers move on more quickly from mistakes.
  • Try the calm and composed face exercise to help you.

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Twitter: @andyelleray / @lilys_goal 

Relevant Podcast Episodes

Ep08: Brendan Pearson – Academy Football, Professional Football, Injuries and Early Retirement

Ep087: Carl Bell – From Professional Football and Goalkeeping to Physiotherapy

Ep093: Dan Abrahams – How to Overcome Mental Blocks in Football

Ep151: Compilation – Football Psychology: 50 Ways You Can Improve Your Performance

Ep165: Andy Elleray – How To Master the Mental Challenges Goalkeeping Throws at You

Other Valuable Football or Soccer Resources 

Goalkeeping Psychology | Mental Skills for Goalkeepers 

Soccer Psychology | Mental Skills for Football

Youth Sports Psychology | Mental Skills Training for Kids and Parents

Frequently Asked Questions about Football or Soccer Psychology

Frequently Asked Questions about Goalkeeping Psychology



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David Charlton

Best Wishes 

David Charlton

Global Sports Psychologist who is located near Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK and willing to travel Internationally.  David also uses online video conferencing software (Zoom, Facetime, WhatsApp) on a regular basis and has clients who he has supported in USA, Canada, South America, UAE, Australian and New Zealand.  

Managing Director – Inspiring Sporting Excellence and Founder of The Sports Psychology Hub.  With over 10 years experience supporting athletes, coaches, parents and teams to achieve their goals, quickly. 

T: +44 7734 697769

E: [email protected]

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