Sports Psychology Tips: How to Adjust Your Goals for 2020
Make this time count
It’s fair to say 2020 so far has been a strange year. A very strange year! I’d be very surprised if any athletes or coaches are on course to reach their goals. Are you?
What did you want to achieve this year?
- Perhaps make your debut for the 1st team
- Improve your ranking
- Make a great start to the season
- Improve your consistency on the pitch, track or course
I’ve heard some athletes complain with common phrases bandied about:
“I thought this was going to be my year, this situation is so unfair.”
“My practice has been a complete waste of time”
“My season is ruined”
It’s important to remember when you think like this, you aren’t alone. Many athletes or coaches are voicing the same complaints.
However, some are finding a way to work through these challenging circumstances.
- They aren’t feeling sorry for themselves
- They aren’t doing nothing all day, every day
- They aren’t wasting their days on the Xbox
Some athletes and coaches that I’ve spoken to, have taken stock they’ve assessed where they are and what they want to achieve 2,3,4 years down the line and are committing themselves to moving closer to those big lofty goals.
They may not be working at 110% right now, they may be spending way more time at home than they’d want and they may not be around their friends and teammates but…….
They have recognised what they can control and what resources they do have available and they are committing themselves to taking their game or coaching to a new level.
I encourage you, take stock, ask yourself, “What do I want to achieve in the next 3 years?” Then work out what you need to do to get there.
Perhaps you need to improve your technical ability, your speed and agility, the way you rest and recover or your flexibility. Or your knowledge of different aspects related to your coaching.
Don’t abandon your goals now, don’t get lazy.
Try the 3 R’s:
Reflect – Make sure you take the time
Regroup – Accept you can do something about your long-term vision
Refocus – Go for it, take action. Get to work on those new positive habits. TODAY!
For instance,
If your goal was to become more consistent. Consider how you do that. If you’re a golfer maybe you need to improve your short game, so using what facilities you have available to you is an option. If that is an issue for you, you could always work on visualising and feeling the shot.
Perhaps, you’re a footballer who is plagued by fear on the pitch. You could be working with someone like myself to address the issues with refocusing strategies – a feature of our support.
Or if you’re a coach who struggles to contain his or her emotions in training and when your team are competing, there are a range of exercises you could be doing.
The rugby player who complains about his or her lack of power, this time, again could be viewed as an opportunity for you to make some gains.
By refining your plans and strategies you can make some big positive strides towards achieving your overall goals. The mentally tough athlete, despite the circumstances will see this time as an opportunity to gain an edge over their competitors – make this your time.
An example of this is, Hyo Joo Kim, a major golf champion. She set herself a goal of hitting the golf ball further whilst being locked down at home. She wasn’t able to hit golf balls so she sought advice and spent time focusing on a weight training regime.
Kim said: “I would like to see an increase in distance in my shots at tournaments. This was probably the very first time since I started playing golf that I’ve worked so hard at weight training. Yes, tournaments have been postponed but I can use this time wisely and prepare better. By gaining more power, I’ll gain more confidence.”
By all means take a break if you need to at some point, but being away from your sport does not mean you have to switch off completely. It’s your choice – you can choose to focus on the right things and return to your sport a better athlete than you were before the coronavirus.
How to adjust your goals for 2020
Start by answering these questions.
- I want to achieve ………. by 31 December 2020.
- Now identify 2 key factors that will help you achieve these goals. Consider technical, psychological and physical areas – that by improving them could go a long way to seeing you return strongly.
- How much impact on your life would it have if you achieve your goals by the end of the year? How would you celebrate?
- How will you make this happen. How many sessions will you commit to? How many hours do you have available? How much money are you willing to spend on being an achiever? Who will you contact for support?
Champion athletes are working right now, they are seeing the good in this situation. Give yourself the best chance…. And answer these questions, then take ACTION, MASSIVE ACTION.
If you’d like some support in this interesting time why not sign up to the “The Mental Edge” where you’ll receive regular tips and advice.
Or to get in touch for support in adjusting your goals today with one 2 one Sports Psychology Coaching with a Leading Sport Psychologist, David Charlton, based near Newcastle upon Tyne – Face to face, via the telephone, SKYPE or online via email available.
Best Wishes
David Charlton
Global Sports Psychologist who is located near Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK and willing to travel Internationally. David also uses online video conferencing software (Zoom, Facetime, WhatsApp) on a regular basis and has clients who he has supported in USA, Canada, South America, UAE, Australian and New Zealand.
Managing Director – Inspiring Sporting Excellence and Founder of The Sports Psychology Hub. With over 10 years experience supporting athletes, coaches, parents and teams to achieve their goals, quickly.
T: +44 7734 697769