Parental Support: Helping your Children get the Most from their Sporting Experiences

Camilla Knight is an associate professor in sports psychology at Swansea University in Wales, United Kingdom, and she is an expert in youth sport. One of her key research interests is in understanding the role that parents play in the lives of their young athletes.
Camilla completed her BSc and MSc at Loughborough University, and her PhD at the University of Alberta in Canada. She is also the lead of the Welsh Research Advisory and Evaluation group for the Child Protection in Sport Unit, a member of the Welsh Safeguarding in Sport Strategy group, and the Youth Sport lead for the Welsh Institute of Performance Science.
Today’s guest, Camilla Knight is an associate professor in sports psychology at Swansea University in Wales, United Kingdom, and she is an expert in youth sport. One of her key research interests is in understanding the role that parents play in the lives of their young athletes. In episode 122 of Demystifying Mental Toughness we discuss the role of parents in sport, the challenges and stressors that they experience. We also chat about the parent/coach relationship with their children and give you some ideas on how to improve your communication with your children. Coaches and teachers may also find this episode helpful.
Key Learning Points
- By understanding the youth sport experience more we can support young people involved in sport better so that they enjoy it more and have a better chance of achieving their potential.
- It’s easy to separate enjoyment and competing however many children enjoying sport because of the competitive element and want to strive to improve.
- It’s important for parents to recognise why their children take part in sport and reminder themselves from time to time.
- As a parent you invest a lot of time, a lot of money and a lot of emotion, it can be a stressful experience for many parents.
- In terms of mental health in children, it’s helpful to notice if your child’s typical behaviours go on to change.
- Having open and honest conversations with children is very helpful.
- Knowing as a parent when you are out of sync and what stresses you out and how it shapes your communication with your children is beneficial.
- The parent child relationship is a bi-directional relationship.
- If you’re a parent and coach your children setting some boundaries is helpful for journeys.
Connect with Professor Camilla Knight
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Relevant Resources
Sports Psychology Resources for Youth Sport (Blogs, Podcasts, Video’s)
Sport Psychology for Children and Parents
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Best Wishes
David Charlton
Global Sports Psychologist who is located near Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK and willing to travel Internationally. David also uses online video conferencing software (Zoom, Facetime, WhatsApp) on a regular basis and has clients who he has supported in USA, Canada, South America, UAE, Australian and New Zealand.
Managing Director – Inspiring Sporting Excellence and Founder of The Sports Psychology Hub. With over 10 years experience supporting athletes, coaches, parents and teams to achieve their goals, quickly.
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