Sports Psychology Tips: Mental Toughness Compilation 004
Where does time go! We’re now 40 episodes in so it’s time for another compilation episode which is action packed with the best bits from the previous 9 episodes which includes some great tips and stories. Listening to the advice I’m pretty sure will help you learn more about what Mental Toughness actually is and it’s importance.
Key Takeaways
• Dave Jueno talks about the impact of bullying and advises coaches and leaders on how to deal with such behaviour.
• I ask you to consider living life with an attitude of gratitude sharing a sporting story.
• Aly Dixon talks about her experience of breaking the world record over 50km
• Nathan Sherratt and I talk about grieving and on how I helped myself get through a really tough time when my wife died and talk about the great work of the WAY Foundation.
• Dr John Perry tells us about flow and finding the zone when under intense pressure.
• I mention 5 tips for professional athletes to improve their intensity levels in training and when competing
• Penny Mallory and I discuss principles of high performance and the importance of knowing your “why”
• Taz Bricknell shares the realities of being a woman playing professional sport and it’s challenges
• John Fletcher tells me about supporting athletes to play fearlessly and deal with difficult periods.
* Find out about the WAY Foundation
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Ep10: Mental Toughness Compilation 001
Ep20: Mental Toughness Compilation 002
Ep30: Mental Toughness Compilation 003
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Best Wishes
David Charlton
Online Motor Sports Psychologist who supports motor racers and motocross riders around the world from San Diego to Abu Dhabi, to Cape Town to Adelaide, using ONLINE Video Conferencing.
Managing Director – Inspiring Sporting Excellence, Host of Demystifying Mental Toughness Podcast and Founder of The Sports Psychology Hub. With over a decades’ experience supporting athletes, coaches, parents and teams to achieve their goals, faster.
T: +44 7734 697769