Overcoming Tough Times in Professional Women's Football and Bouncing Back Stronger

Charlotte Potts is a professional footballer who has played for Hibernian Football Club, Sunderland AFC and FC Lugano. She is also an ambassador for Gateshead FC and can be heard on local radio stations on a regular basis. Charlotte has an interest in mental health and discrimination and works closely with well recognised charity Show Racism the Red Card too.
In this episode I was joined by professional footballer Charlotte Potts where we had a deep and fascinating conversation about different challenges that she has faced so far in her life and when playing Professional Women’s Football. We went on to discuss Discrimination, Mental Health and Mindfulness too as well as a whole lot more. It’s well worth a listen!
Key Learning Points:
- Charlotte’s mental health has suffered from time to time therefore she has looked to develop a high degree of self-awareness to help herself.
- Her family was pulled apart when she was young which was difficult for everyone concerned.
- Discrimination exists in football and in life, however progress is being made.
- Mental Toughness in football is about coping with pain and being able to push through barriers.
- Charlotte has an interest in Mindfulness and regularly practices the approach.
- Being able to take a step back has helped her with anger issues.
- Mindfulness has also helped Charlotte see things from a fresh perspective.
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To Listen to Football or Soccer Podcast Episodes
Ep038: Taz Bricknell – Playing Professional Women’s Rugby
Ep092: Dr James Hegarty – ACT in Sport, Improving Performance through Mindfulness
Ep105: Hannah Bromley – Overcoming Psychological Challenges in Elite Professional Women’s Football
Ep111: Michael Caulfield – How to be an Effective Sports Psychologist in Elite Professional Football
Other Helpful Resources
Psychology in Football or Soccer Library
Blog: How Mentally Healthy is Your Clubs Sporting Environment
Blog: Does Your Warm Up Influence How You Perform?
Blog: 5 Ways to Create a Psychological Safe Sporting Environment
Blog: Supporting a Professional Footballer during Challenging Times
Blog: 3 Tips to Deal with Bullying in Sport
Vlog: How Mental Toughness Helps us Understand Psychological Safety with Doug Strycharczyk
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Best Wishes
David Charlton
Global Sports Psychologist who is located near Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK and willing to travel Internationally. David also uses online video conferencing software (Zoom, Facetime, WhatsApp) on a regular basis and has clients who he has supported in USA, Canada, South America, UAE, Australian and New Zealand.
Managing Director – Inspiring Sporting Excellence and Founder of The Sports Psychology Hub. With over 10 years experience supporting athletes, coaches, parents and teams to achieve their goals, quickly.
T: +44 7734 697769