Perfectionism in Sport is Getting Worse – Here’s Why

Perfectionism in Sport is Getting Worse Here’s Why

06 April 2024 Helping You Gain A Mental Edge Perfectionism in Sport is Getting Worse – Here’s Why Perfectionism in young athletes keeps on steadily growing.  And unfortunately, I’m not talking about “healthy” perfectionism where athletes set themselves challenging goals that they work hard to try and attain.  Where they are always striving to be …

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Conversations With Kids: Combatting Negativity

Conversations with kids combating the negativity

Conversations with Kids – Week 11 For parents and guardians where we give you prompts so that you can have more meaningful conversations with your children to help them build key characteristics such as mental toughness, resilience, confidence, creativity, focus and so on.   A Question for your Kids When you play well, what do you …

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