Perfectionism in Sport is Getting Worse – Here’s Why

Perfectionism in Sport is Getting Worse Here’s Why

06 April 2024 Helping You Gain A Mental Edge Perfectionism in Sport is Getting Worse – Here’s Why Perfectionism in young athletes keeps on steadily growing.  And unfortunately, I’m not talking about “healthy” perfectionism where athletes set themselves challenging goals that they work hard to try and attain.  Where they are always striving to be …

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The Mental Edge 13 Jan 2024

James Clear Quote

13 January 2023 Helping You Gain A Mental Edge How To Develop Your Resilience Levels So That You Can Perform Better A common question I get asked is how will you help me as a Sports Psychologist? Naturally, different athletes bring to us different challenges, so in this case we’ll look at the athlete who …

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