Perfectionism in Sport is Getting Worse – Here’s Why

Perfectionism in Sport is Getting Worse Here’s Why

06 April 2024 Helping You Gain A Mental Edge Perfectionism in Sport is Getting Worse – Here’s Why Perfectionism in young athletes keeps on steadily growing.  And unfortunately, I’m not talking about “healthy” perfectionism where athletes set themselves challenging goals that they work hard to try and attain.  Where they are always striving to be …

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Rugby Psychology Tips: Are You A Rugby Player With Perfectionist Tendencies?

Rugby Psychology Tips Are you a Rugby Player with Perfectionist Tendencies

Rugby Psychology Tips: Are you a Rugby Player with Perfectionist Tendencies? This article is also for the rugby coach who is breeding perfectionists Perfectionist rugby players have unrealistic demands about their performance levels often leading to a lack of confidence and trust in their ability under pressure in matches.  Rugby players who strive for perfection …

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How to Trust Your Skills When You’re a Goalkeeper

Goalkeeping Psychology Tips How to Trust Your Skills When You’re a Goalkeeper

Goalkeeping Psychology Tips: How to Trust Your Skills When You’re a Goalkeeper Are you an overthinker when playing in goal? What is the meaning of trust when you’re a goalkeeper? In general, according to Oxford Languages, trust is “a firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something.”  So how does this …

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How to Help Children Overcome Fear of Failure

How to Help Children Overcome Fear of Failure

Youth Sports Psychology Tips: How to Help Children Overcome Fear of Failure Does your child struggle to free themselves up when competing? In sport, the messages that children often get from coaches and parents include: “You must put in maximum effort.” “You can try harder, I saw you give up when……” “Keep going even when …

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How do You Respond to Errors

Athlete Errors

Youth Sports Psychology Tips: How do You Respond to Errors Errors are a natural part of sport Whether you as an athlete, or your players as a coach hit the ball wide of goal, play a poor pass, mishandle the ball or miss a short putt… errors happen. Can you prevent errors? I say NO!  …

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