Goalkeeping Psychology Tips: How to Improve Your Focus

Goalkeeping Psychology Tips How to Improve Your Focus

Original source of the image: https://historyofsoccer.info Goalkeeping Psychology Tips: How to Improve Your Focus Many goalkeepers can get caught out with how they focus their attention. In this video I share with you 3 tips for goalkeepers so that you can put behind you mistakes and improve your focus. Visualise being the calm, composed goalkeeper …

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Goalkeeping Psychology Tips: My Child Gets Very Nervous Before Matches What Should I Do?

Goalkeeping Psychology Tips My child gets very nervous before matches what should I do

Goalkeeping Psychology Tips: My Child Gets Very Nervous Before Matches, What Should I Do? Many young goalkeepers start matches one nil down because of how they view nerves In this video I share with you some suggestions on how you as a parent could approach helping your children, in this case a young goalkeeper deal …

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How to Trust Your Skills When You’re a Goalkeeper

Goalkeeping Psychology Tips How to Trust Your Skills When You’re a Goalkeeper

Goalkeeping Psychology Tips: How to Trust Your Skills When You’re a Goalkeeper Are you an overthinker when playing in goal? What is the meaning of trust when you’re a goalkeeper? In general, according to Oxford Languages, trust is “a firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something.”  So how does this …

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How To Overcome Self-Doubt When You’re A Goalkeeper


Goalkeeper Psychology Tips: How To Overcome Self-Doubt When You’re A Goalkeeper Self-doubt can erode confidence if you let it Can you be too hard on yourself when you’re in goal in a match or afterwards when assessing your performance?  We are naturally wired to think negatively, yet too many of these thoughts are guaranteed to …

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Goalkeepers – Does your warm up have to be perfect for you to feel confident


Goalkeeper Psychology Tips: Goalkeepers – Does your warm up have to be perfect for you to feel confident Many goalkeepers feel that they must have a good warm up to start a match well Does your confidence level dip if you have a poor warm up? I’ve noted over the years of supporting goalkeepers that …

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Goalkeeper Mental Toughness Shouldn’t Be Left To Chance

Goalkeeper Mental Toughness

Goalkeeper Psychology Tips: Goalkeeper Mental Toughness Shouldn’t Be Left To Chance Most goalkeepers prefer to make technical or physical changes instead of improving their mental approach Over years of supporting goalkeepers I have noticed that if there is an issue in their game or if they’ve made a few mistakes.  Rather than addressing what is …

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Managing Goalkeeper Confidence

Managing Goalkeeper Confidence

Goalkeeper Psychology Tips: Managing Your Confidence When You’re A Goalkeeper How you analyse your performance is crucial for managing goalkeeper confidence Every goalkeeper I speak to or support has made a mistake.  Goalkeepers are not robots, they are human beings after all. This is why managing goalkeeper confidence is so important. Most weeks, there are …

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Helping Boost Young Goalkeepers Self Confidence

Helping Young Goalkeepers Gain Self Confidence

Goalkeeper Psychology Tips: Helping Boost Young Goalkeepers Self Confidence Confidence in your ability is essential to succeed Often children are placed in goal as a punishment or because no-one else wants to go in goal – what sort of message is that telling them about the position? Especially as the goalkeeper’s role is arguably the most …

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