Goalkeeping Psychology Tips: How to Improve Your Focus

Goalkeeping Psychology Tips How to Improve Your Focus

Original source of the image: https://historyofsoccer.info Goalkeeping Psychology Tips: How to Improve Your Focus Many goalkeepers can get caught out with how they focus their attention. In this video I share with you 3 tips for goalkeepers so that you can put behind you mistakes and improve your focus. Visualise being the calm, composed goalkeeper …

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Help Your Children Gain Self-Confidence

Pre match tips for parents

Youth Sports Psychology Tips: How To Help Your Children Gain Self-Confidence Many children struggle with a lack of confidence which prevents them reaching from their potential In the last few months when carrying out parental support workshops, a number of parents have asked me the question what can I do to make my child feel …

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How to Handle Losing Your Skills in Gymnastics

How to Handle Losing Your Skills in Gymnastics

Gymnastics Psychology Tips: How to Handle Losing Your Skills in Gymnastics Is this very common problem an issue for you? Gymnastics is a constant ebb and flow for gymnasts. One second everything seems perfect and the next it all comes crashing down. It could a bad competition, bad training or sudden block a gymnast faces …

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How To Conquer Self Doubt On The Soccer Pitch So That You Perform With Confidence

How To Conquer Self Doubt On The Soccer Pitch So That You Perform With Confidence

Soccer Psychology Tips: How To Conquer Self Doubt On The Soccer Pitch So That You Perform With Confidence Doubts are very natural when you play soccer or football Even the best players in the world experience doubts on a regular basis.  However, what they are great at is placing those doubts to one side so …

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How to Overcome Psychological Blocks in Gymnastics


Gymnastics Psychology Tips: How to Overcome Psychological Blocks in Gymnastics With the right adjustments psychological blocks can be beaten Gymnastics is a sport that tests many abilities such as balance, flexibility, strength and the execution of acrobatics movements.  It is a very challenging sport, with gymnasts often coming up against significant psychological blocks.  These difficulties …

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