Goalkeeping Psychology Tips: How to Improve Your Focus

Goalkeeping Psychology Tips How to Improve Your Focus

Original source of the image: https://historyofsoccer.info Goalkeeping Psychology Tips: How to Improve Your Focus Many goalkeepers can get caught out with how they focus their attention. In this video I share with you 3 tips for goalkeepers so that you can put behind you mistakes and improve your focus. Visualise being the calm, composed goalkeeper …

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Conversations With Kids: Bubble


Conversations with Kids – Week 18 For parents and guardians where we give you prompts so that you can have more meaningful conversations with your children to help them build key characteristics such as mental toughness, resilience, confidence, creativity, focus and so on.   A Question for your Kids What Is It Like In A Bubble? …

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Using ACT and Mindfulness to Improve Your Sporting Performances

ACT and Mindfulness

Sports Psychology Tips: Using ACT and Mindfulness to Improve Your Sporting Performances Do you struggle to remain present in the moment? Pressure is something that most athletes experience when they’re performing.  The best performers are able to manage the pressure well and often go on to produce “clutch” performances resulting in some amazing moments and …

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