The Mental Edge 25 Nov 2023


25 November 2023 Helping You Gain A Mental Edge How To Develop Your Resilience Levels So That You Can Perform Better Resilience is a word that is used a lot in sport and is recognised as an important psychological component for helping athletes improve their performance levels and mental health. In sport, individuals and teams …

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Case Study – Supporting a Professional Motor Cyclist Overcome Injury and Regain Confidence

Motor Cyclist

Motor Sports Psychology Tips: Case Study – Supporting a Professional Motor Cyclist Overcome Injury and Regain Confidence Gaining control of a stressful situation  The Client: A 28 year old highly driven, professional motor cyclist based in the South of England who had been involved in the sport since he was 17 years old. The Challenge: …

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Conversations With Kids: Imposter Syndrome

Conversations with kids impostor syndrome

Conversations with Kids – Week 5 For parents and guardians where we give you prompts so that you can have more meaningful conversations with your children to help them build key characteristics such as mental toughness, resilience, confidence, creativity, focus and so on.   A Question for your Kids Do you sometimes think that you are …

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How To Overcome Self-Doubt When You’re A Goalkeeper


Goalkeeper Psychology Tips: How To Overcome Self-Doubt When You’re A Goalkeeper Self-doubt can erode confidence if you let it Can you be too hard on yourself when you’re in goal in a match or afterwards when assessing your performance?  We are naturally wired to think negatively, yet too many of these thoughts are guaranteed to …

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9 Tips for Children from Olympians

Jul Marilyn Okoro Aly Dixon

Youth Sports Psychology Tips: 9 Tips for Children from Olympians Sport can help kids develop Mental Toughness and Resilience The Olympics is now in full flow with some outstanding performances from some athletes.  So what can children learn from athletes competing at the Olympics?   Here are 9 tips taken from the  Demystifying Mental Toughness …

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