Goalkeeping Psychology Tips: How to Improve Your Focus

Goalkeeping Psychology Tips How to Improve Your Focus

Original source of the image: https://historyofsoccer.info Goalkeeping Psychology Tips: How to Improve Your Focus Many goalkeepers can get caught out with how they focus their attention. In this video I share with you 3 tips for goalkeepers so that you can put behind you mistakes and improve your focus. Visualise being the calm, composed goalkeeper …

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35 Ways Mental Toughness Coaching Can Help Footballers


Soccer Psychology Tips: 35 Ways Mental Toughness Coaching Can Help Footballers How important is the psychological side to you? I’ve supported 100s of footballers from youngsters who enjoy the great game up to well established professional footballers.  From my experiences and taking into consideration research I’ve read I’ve put this post together. Very importantly, by …

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Football Psychology Tips: Where Do You Place Your Attention?

Where Do You Place Your Attention

Football Psychology Tips: Where Do You Place Your Attention? Where you place your attention may impact whether you develop your Mental Toughness through your sport. Many footballers can get caught out focusing too much on future ambitions such as winning a trophy or the league.  The same is true when it comes to focusing on …

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Why Football Can Improve The Mental Toughness Of Your Children?

Football Psychology Tips How to Help Young Footballers Avoid Distractions

Football Psychology Tips: Why Football Can Improve The Mental Toughness Of Your Children Being part of youth football is fraught with challenges As a football parent do you ever take a step back and consider what practicing, training and playing football for a youngster actually does for them? It’s so easy to get caught up …

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Soccer Psychology Tips: Why You Should Recognise The Power of Your Words

Soccer Psychology Tips Why You Should Recognise The Power of Your Words

Courtesy of https://historyofsoccer.info Soccer Psychology Tips: Why You Should Recognise The Power of Your Words Do you ever consider how powerful your use of words are? The 2022 Soccer or Football World Cup in Qatar is beginning very soon, I’m looking forward to it and I’m also very interested in seeing which players thrive under …

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How to Trust Your Skills When You’re a Goalkeeper

Goalkeeping Psychology Tips How to Trust Your Skills When You’re a Goalkeeper

Goalkeeping Psychology Tips: How to Trust Your Skills When You’re a Goalkeeper Are you an overthinker when playing in goal? What is the meaning of trust when you’re a goalkeeper? In general, according to Oxford Languages, trust is “a firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something.”  So how does this …

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How To Conquer Self Doubt On The Soccer Pitch So That You Perform With Confidence

How To Conquer Self Doubt On The Soccer Pitch So That You Perform With Confidence

Soccer Psychology Tips: How To Conquer Self Doubt On The Soccer Pitch So That You Perform With Confidence Doubts are very natural when you play soccer or football Even the best players in the world experience doubts on a regular basis.  However, what they are great at is placing those doubts to one side so …

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