How To Combat Overthinking In Sport #BITESIZE

EP 234 Episode Cover Paul Phillips

How To Combat Overthinking In Sport #BITESIZE

Paul Phillips

Paul Phillips | Founding Member, Board of Advisors: High-Performance Rugby Union | Coach Educator | Performance Rugby Consultant | Performance Coach Author.

With more than 17-years experience working with players, coaches, clubs, regions and organisations – as a Performance Coach, Educator and Consultant. With purpose, to positively influence growth, in many forms, to achieve individual and team development, progress, and success.

How often in sport do you see an athlete make the wrong decision under pressure? Often I’d say! Even at the highest level in elite professional sport.  Indecision, overthinking, paralysis by analysis, having too much time to think of the consequences, a lack of trust in skills or fear are often the reasons for poor decision making. 

In this short bite-sized episode, Paul Phillips an author and culture developer and I discuss overthinking in sport where we share some helpful tips so that you can deal better with pressure in the moment. 

Key Learning Points:

  • Helping athletes generate behaviours before thoughts and emotions is a helpful skill.
  • James Clear’s two-minute rule in the book Atomic Habits is a useful approach to take when you are feeling indecisive.
  • In rugby the size of an opponent can trigger fear responses, overthinking and poor decision making.
  • Visual, kinaesthetic and auditory cues and triggers are helpful in overcoming fear,
  • Using metaphors such as images of animals or superhero’s is a helpful trigger for adults and children.
  • Spending time with process training, practicing and rehearsing pre-shot and pre-performance routines are hugely beneficial.

Connect with Paul Phillips


Book: How to Create Culture: In Rugby Union

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To Listen to Podcasts To Help Overthinkers

Ep092: Dr James Hegarty – ACT in Sport, Improving Performance through Mindfulness

Ep156: Ruth Chiles – There is Hope: How to Overcome Focal Dystonia

Ep161: Paul Phillips – How to Create a Culture of High Performance in Professional Rugby Union

Ep221: Jeremy Snape – How To Use Pre Performance Routines When The Pressure Is On

Ep224: Aaron Walsh – How To Help Professional Rugby Players Perform Better Under Pressure

Helpful Resources For The Overthinker

Blog – Overthinking on the Rugby Pitch

Blog – Do You Start Matches with a ONE-NIL DOWN Mindset?

Blog – 7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Bowl Every Delivery

Blog – Is Your Head Focused On The Right Things

How to Trust Your Skills When You’re a Goalkeeper



Also, kindly consider taking the 60-seconds it takes to leave an honest review and rating for the podcast on iTunes, they’re extremely helpful when it comes to the ranking of the show and we read every single one of them!

David Charlton

Best Wishes 

David Charlton

Global Sports Psychologist who is located near Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK and willing to travel Internationally.  David also uses online video conferencing software (Zoom, Facetime, WhatsApp) on a regular basis and has clients who he has supported in USA, Canada, South America, UAE, Australian and New Zealand.  

Managing Director – Inspiring Sporting Excellence and Founder of The Sports Psychology Hub.  With over 10 years experience supporting athletes, coaches, parents and teams to achieve their goals, quickly. 

T: +44 7734 697769

E: [email protected]

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    Can’t Focus? Stop Mind Reading Others So That You Play To Your Strengths

    EP 175 Episode Cover David Charlton

    Can’t Focus? Stop Mind Reading Others So That You Play To Your Strengths By working with David Charlton, you and your organisation will be better equipped to rise to modern day challenges and better informed to thrive on and off the pitch, course or court.  Where he inspires individuals and teams to: Cope with pressure and

    How to Build Your Mental Toughness Through Skiing

    EP 148 Episode Cover Derek Tate

    How to Build Your Mental Toughness Through Skiing

    Derek Tate

    Derek Tate has spent over 35 years involved teaching and coaching. The sport of Alpine skiing has been both the passion and the career over this time. His qualifications include the British Association of Snowsport Instructors International Ski Teacher Diploma BASI Level 4), PG Diploma in Sports Coaching and MSc Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP). In addition to teaching skiers of all levels, he educates and examines snowsport instructors, and offers mental skills and mental health coaching to individuals online and in person. He has also authored ‘Learn, Enjoy, Flow & Grow’ and ‘Six Steps for Training the Mind’.

    Our guest today is Derek Tate, an experienced ski coach and author.  We go on to discuss his book Six Steps for Training the Mind as well as mental toughness in snowsports.  Derek goes on to share insights into differences in mindset between recreational and elite skiers, the role of fear, pushing boundaries and comfort zones, the impact of self-talk, getting into a flow state and a whole lot more. 

    • Fear is a common emotion for both recreational and elite skiers.
    • The environment and weather on the slopes changes frequently making for unique challenges.
    • Mental toughness when skiing is the ability to navigate, manage and overcome self-doubt, worries, concerns and circumstances that prevent you from succeeding without compromising your well-being.
    • If mental skills were trained in the same way as physical skills or technical skills, there’d be a lot more people who are better prepared when skiing.
    • Many people are distracted by the conversation they have with themselves.
    • Mindfulness meditation and gratitude are very helpful skills skiers can benefit from learning.
    • Getting into a flow state is hugely beneficial for your mental health.

    Connect with Derek Tate:


    Coaching Website


    Connect with David Charlton


    Join David @ The Sports Psychology Hub

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    Helpful Podcast Episodes

    Ep046: Kate Mackay – Why Snowboarding is a Metaphor for Life

    Ep048: Natalie Hurdley – How to Build Mental Toughness through Powerlifting

    Ep066: Marilyn Okoro – Mental Health and Resilience: Lessons from an Olympic Medalist

    Ep110: Dan Steele – How to Increase Mental Fortitude: Secrets from an Olympian

    Ep140: Chris Cook – How to Improve Your Mental Strength: Secrets from an Olympian

    Other Useful Resources

    Blog – Make Better Decisions to Help Your Sport Performance

    Blog – Coach Development: Helping Athletes Overcome Fear of Failure

    Blog – Do You Really Want to Succeed

    Blog – 12 Reasons Why You Won’t Achieve Your Potential

    Blog: 9 Tips for Children from Olympians



    Also, kindly consider taking the 60-seconds it takes to leave an honest review and rating for the podcast on iTunes, they’re extremely helpful when it comes to the ranking of the show and we read every single one of them!

    David Charlton

    Best Wishes 

    David Charlton

    Global Sports Psychologist who is located near Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK and willing to travel Internationally.  David also uses online video conferencing software (Zoom, Facetime, WhatsApp) on a regular basis and has clients who he has supported in USA, Canada, South America, UAE, Australian and New Zealand.  

    Managing Director – Inspiring Sporting Excellence and Founder of The Sports Psychology Hub.  With over 10 years experience supporting athletes, coaches, parents and teams to achieve their goals, quickly. 

    T: +44 7734 697769

    E: [email protected]

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      How to Deal with Self-Criticism using Self Compassion – Part 1

      EP 129 Episode Cover David Charlton

      How to Deal with Self-Criticism using Self Compassion – Part 1

      David Charlton

      By working with David Charlton, you and your organisation will be better equipped to rise to modern day challenges and better informed to thrive on and off the pitch, course or court.  Where he inspires individuals and teams to:

      • Cope with pressure and challenges more effectively
      • Maintain positive mental health
      • Compete with confidence more often
      • Manage your emotions better
      • Improve your commitments levels

      David is a Mental Toughness Practitioner, as well as a Health Care and Professions Council (HCPC) Registered Sport and Exercise Psychologist.  He has successfully supported athletes, teams and organisations for over 10 years in order to ensure that they perform at their maximum more often.

      He has a comprehensive knowledge around the development of Mental Toughness, a plastic personality trait, which determines or limits people to deal effectively with change, challenges and stressors. In today’s climate, during the Coronavirus pandemic this quality is becoming more and more valuable to individuals, teams and organisations. 

      This is a short solo episode and the first of 3 episodes where I share 2 reminders of what Mental Toughness is and apply it to different domains.  The first clip is from Mental Toughness pioneer, Doug Strycharczyk which was recorded in our very first episode and the second clip comes from Sebastian De Chavez an elite professional rugby player for Newcastle Falcons who appeared in episode 104.  

      I then go on to share a case study and one helpful exercise taken from compassionate focused therapy to help people who experience self-criticism and are very hard on themselves off the back of failing or making mistakes in sport or life.

      Key Learning Points

      • Doug states that Mental Toughness is about “how we respond mentally to things that happen to us.” 
      • Seb confirms this in a professional rugby setting and considers mental toughness as “being able to get your job done, when things aren’t going your way.”
      • In sport when someone makes a mistake, often as an onlooker or spectator we are better placed to say “they’re only human” and display compassion.
      • Yet, when we are the culprit making the mistake, we often find displaying self-compassion very tough.  For many it is virtually impossible, especially in sport when you and your performances are being judged or at least you think they are.  And your emotions are so up and down because you are striving for competence.
      • A common thing people get wrong when thinking of being self-compassionate or being kind to yourself is that it equals self-pity or that you are being “soft”.  
      • Self-compassion doesn’t mean that you are lacking in motivation either.
      • Understanding the pain that you are put yourself through by being self-critical is vital and by trying to feel compassionate you can empower yourself to make better decisions.
      • Encouraging, loving and supportive language is a much more powerful motivator than negativity and fear which is often a habit a lot of people can slip into, especially in a sporting environment.

      Connect with David Charlton


      Join David @ The Sports Psychology Hub

      Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn

      Relevant Podcast Episodes

      Ep001: Doug Strycharczyk – The Importance of Mental Toughness

      Ep104: Seb De Chaves – The Psychological Demands of Elite Professional Rugby

      Ep065: Dr Amy Izycky – Encouraging Mentally Healthy Cultures in Sport

      Ep128: Paula Eddy-Wilcox – Can You Show Vulnerability and Be Mentally Tough? Yes!

      Ep105: Hannah Bromley – Overcoming Psychological Challenges in Professional Women’s Football

      Other Relevant Blogs and Resources

      Blog – 5 Coaching Tips To Develop Mentally Tough Footballers

      Blog – Coach Development Helping Athletes Overcome Fear Of Failure 

      Blog – Mental Health Guidance For Coaches When Supporting Athletes

      Blog – 5 Ways To Create A Psychological Safe Sporting Environment

      Blog – 3 Tips To Deal With Bullying In Sport

      Kristin Neff Website on Self-Compassion



      Also, kindly consider taking the 60-seconds it takes to leave an honest review and rating for the podcast on iTunes, they’re extremely helpful when it comes to the ranking of the show and we read every single one of them!

      David Charlton

      Best Wishes 

      David Charlton

      Global Sports Psychologist who is located near Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK and willing to travel Internationally.  David also uses online video conferencing software (Zoom, Facetime, WhatsApp) on a regular basis and has clients who he has supported in USA, Canada, South America, UAE, Australian and New Zealand.  

      Managing Director – Inspiring Sporting Excellence and Founder of The Sports Psychology Hub.  With over 10 years experience supporting athletes, coaches, parents and teams to achieve their goals, quickly. 

      T: +44 7734 697769

      E: [email protected]

      Search Our Sports Psychology Website

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      Are you an athlete, coach or parent that would like to learn how to create sustainable high performance? Receive our free regular newsletter, where we share proven mental toughness and high performance tips and strategies. If you want some support and motivation straight to your inbox, then sign up below.

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        How to Deal with Overthinking on the Golf Course

        Trevor Jones

        How to Deal with Overthinking on the Golf Course Trevor Jones is a PGA Professional Golfer and mental performance coach who works with golfers on increasing their psychological flexibility, allowing them to better step up to the challenges of learning and performance.  He has studied and practiced the psychological flexibility model, behaviour analysis and relational