How A Marginal Gains Approach Can Help You Perform Better #BITESIZE

EP 217 Episode Cover Chris Cook

How A Marginal Gains Approach Can Help You Perform Better #BITESIZE Chris Cook is a former double Olympian & Double Commonwealth Champion.  After competing for Great Britain for nearly 10 years, he hung up the trunks and retired from international swimming and began working with businesses/organisations far and wide to help inspire, mentor and coach people …

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How To Set Yourself Up For Success In 2024?

EP 213 Episode Cover Sandro Forte

How To Set Yourself Up For Success In 2024? Sandro Forte (GSF, FPSA, CSP) isn’t just a highly sought-after speaker but a very successful entrepreneur sharing relevant, current and practical ideas with his audiences. Sandro is a Fellow of the Professional Speakers Association, a Global Speaking Fellow and a Certified Speaking Professional™ who has entertained, …

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How To Help Footballers Play To Their Optimum In Big Matches

EP 206 Episode Cover David Charlton

How To Help Footballers Play To Their Optimum In Big Matches By working with David Charlton, you and your organisation will be better equipped to rise to modern day challenges and better informed to thrive on and off the pitch, course or court.  Where he inspires individuals and teams to: Cope with pressure and challenges more …

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How Do I Go About Controlling The Controllables To Help My Sport Performance?

EP 154 Episode Cover David Charlton

How Do I Go About Controlling The Controllables To Help My Sport Performance?

David Charlton

By working with David Charlton, you and your organisation will be better equipped to rise to modern day challenges and better informed to thrive on and off the pitch, course or court.  Where he inspires individuals and teams to:

  • Cope with pressure and challenges more effectively
  • Maintain positive mental health
  • Compete with confidence more often
  • Manage your emotions better
  • Improve your commitments levels

David is a Mental Toughness Practitioner, as well as a Health Care and Professions Council (HCPC) Registered Sport and Exercise Psychologist.  He has successfully supported athletes, teams and organisations for over 10 years in order to ensure that they perform at their maximum more often.

He has a comprehensive knowledge around the development of Mental Toughness, a plastic personality trait, which determines or limits people to deal effectively with change, challenges and stressors. In today’s climate, during the Coronavirus pandemic this quality is becoming more and more valuable to individuals, teams and organisations. 

In this short solo episode, I discuss an important component of Mental Toughness – control.  In sport, business and in everyday life it can be very easy to get distracted by external factors that are out of your control.  I go on to use Andy Murray’s gutsy recent performances at the Australian Open Tennis tournament to illustrate my points sharing an exercise to help you better understand how to go about controlling the controllables and be able to set yourself process goals.

Key Learnings

  • What factors could Andy Murray control in his tennis match against Roberto Bautista Agut?
  • Here are some examples; how he placed his focus, his attitude, tactics, body language, self talk, his pre-serve routines and communication with his team and spectators.
  • What factors were outside of Andy Murray’s control?
  • His opponent’s tactics, fitness and conditioning, skill level and decision making, scheduling of the match, temperature/weather conditions and umpire calls.
  • Make success all about the things inside your control and set process goals as a result.

Control the Controllables Handout

Connect with David Charlton

Sign Up to Conversations with Kids

Join David @ The Sports Psychology Hub

Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn

Relevant Podcast Episodes

Ep144: Jon Watkins – Mental Strength: What You Can Learn About Resilience From The Special Forces

Ep135: David Charlton Gets Grilled By Grant Henderson

Ep130: David Charlton – How to Deal with Self-Criticism using Self Compassion – Part 2

Ep125: Jack Hicks-Flynn – How is Psychology used in Professional Football Clubs

Relevant Blogs

Blog: Focusing on the Process as a Team

Blog: Focus on the Process

Blog: Why You Should Stop Setting SMART Goals

Blog: Cricket Psychology Tips: Control the Controllables



Also, kindly consider taking the 60-seconds it takes to leave an honest review and rating for the podcast on iTunes, they’re extremely helpful when it comes to the ranking of the show and we read every single one of them!

David Charlton

Best Wishes 

David Charlton

Global Sports Psychologist who is located near Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK and willing to travel Internationally.  David also uses online video conferencing software (Zoom, Facetime, WhatsApp) on a regular basis and has clients who he has supported in USA, Canada, South America, UAE, Australian and New Zealand.  

Managing Director – Inspiring Sporting Excellence and Founder of The Sports Psychology Hub.  With over 10 years experience supporting athletes, coaches, parents and teams to achieve their goals, quickly. 

T: +44 7734 697769

E: [email protected]

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    Mental Strength: What You Can Learn About Resilience From The Special Forces

    EP 144 Episode Cover Jon Watkins

    Mental Strength: What You Can Learn About Resilience From The Special Forces

    Mental Strength What You Can Learn About Resilience From The Special Forces

    Jon Watkins is the co-owner of the multi-award-winning Resilience Development Co. and former special forces soldier. A specialist resilience and transformation coach who develops the skills and behaviours that enable people and teams to perform, adapt and thrive during periods of high pressure, change and uncertainty.

    In today’s episode I chat with Jon Watkins a resilience and transformation coach and a former special forces soldier.  Jon shares insights into some challenges that he overcame in the military and the importance of mindset.  Goal setting is introduced, concepts such as self-leadership, natural resilience, adaptive resilience and psychological safety we also touch on and a lot more.  Enjoy tuning in!

    Key Learning Points:

    • The selection process in the special forces produced likeminded mentally and physically robust individuals who shared collective goals and went on to create a fantastic environment to work in.
    • Self-leadership was a huge part of the special forces.
    • My comfort zone was pushed to its maximum.
    • When considering goal setting, relating it back to your values is essential.
    • Chunking down your goals is a skill that anyone can develop.
    • Mental Toughness is built around that perseverance, never giving up element to it and being disciplined to live through your values.
    • Resilience in general is about bouncing back.
    • Natural resilience is the resilience that we’re born with.
    • Adaptive resilience is heavily influenced by our environment.

    Connect with Jon Watkins



    Connect with David Charlton


    Join David @ The Sports Psychology Hub

    Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn

    Other Useful Podcast Episodes

    Ep065: Dr Amy Izycky – Encouraging Mentally Healthy Cultures in Sport

    Ep066: Marilyn Okoro – Mental Health and Resilience: Lessons from an Olympic Medalist

    Ep114: Tim Bradshaw – Because I Can – How To Get Out Of Your Own Way

    Ep123: Richard Dorney – Supporting People: What Can You Learn About Resilience From The Military

    Ep140: Chris Cook – How to Improve Your Mental Strength: Secrets from an Olympian

    Other Useful Resources linked to Resilience

    Blog – 5 Ways to Create a Psychological Safe Sporting Environment

    Blog – 3 Tips to Deal with Bullying in Sport

    Blog – How to Find Your Why 

    Blog – Mental Health Guidance for Coaches When Supporting Athletes

    Blog – Resilient and Mentally Tough: 9 Things You Can Learn From Tiger Woods



    Also, kindly consider taking the 60-seconds it takes to leave an honest review and rating for the podcast on iTunes, they’re extremely helpful when it comes to the ranking of the show and we read every single one of them!

    David Charlton

    Best Wishes 

    David Charlton

    Global Sports Psychologist who is located near Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK and willing to travel Internationally.  David also uses online video conferencing software (Zoom, Facetime, WhatsApp) on a regular basis and has clients who he has supported in USA, Canada, South America, UAE, Australian and New Zealand.  

    Managing Director – Inspiring Sporting Excellence and Founder of The Sports Psychology Hub.  With over 10 years experience supporting athletes, coaches, parents and teams to achieve their goals, quickly. 

    T: +44 7734 697769

    E: [email protected]

    Search Our Sports Psychology Website

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    Are you an athlete, coach or parent that would like to learn how to create sustainable high performance? Receive our free regular newsletter, where we share proven mental toughness and high performance tips and strategies. If you want some support and motivation straight to your inbox, then sign up below.

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      How to Improve Your Mental Strength: Secrets from an Olympian

      EP 140 Episode Cover Chris Cook

      How to Improve Your Mental Strength: Secrets from an Olympian

      Chris Cook

      Chris Cook is a former double Olympian & Double Commonwealth Champion.  After competing for Great Britain for nearly 10 years, he hung up the trunks and retired from international swimming and began working with businesses/organisations far and wide to help inspire, mentor and coach people to embrace ‘challenge and change’ for their optimal performance. Chris has built a reputation as a motivational speaker throughout the last 7 years working from referral to referral, sharing his story and the lessons learnt from the journey with over 400,000 people. 

      Chris and his wife Erica also run their own Learn to swim business – ‘Swim Buddies’ which has seen the business (located in Darlington, UK) grow from 7 swimmers in their first week in September 2014 through to over 1000 children swimming with Swim Buddies every week.

      Chris’s coaching, speaking and mentoring is centred around personal development. Whether it’s in the water helping swimmers or on dry land in business and life, Chris believes that success is something you attract from the person you become.

      In this episode 140, double Olympian and former Commonwealth champion swimmer, Chris Cook joined me.  We discussed his journey to becoming an Olympian and his role now as a motivational speaker and executive coach.  Different obstacles that he overcame were also talking points, as were how he sets goals and works to achieve them.  Chris also shares many great questions that you can ask yourself and what sports performers can learn from CEOs in the business world.

      Key Learning Points:

      • Having people that I was accountable to as a child was important.
      • My biggest fear was getting to the end of something and realising I hadn’t tried hard enough.
      • There were times when I got over-anxious because I wanted it too much.
      • I realised to progress I needed to become great the stuff I wasn’t good at, goal setting was one thing.
      • People in the business world would benefit from looking at how they view their recovery and make necessary changes.
      • How can I swim 2 lengths of the pool faster was a question I often asked myself.
      • Seeing difficult moments as growth opportunities and being brave enough to face them is vital.

      Connect with Chris Cook



      Connect with David Charlton

      Sign Up to Conversations with Kids


      Join David @ The Sports Psychology Hub

      Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn

      To Listen to Relevant Podcast Episodes

      Ep033: Aly Dixon – Mental Toughness Lessons from a World Champion

      Ep048: Natalie Hurdley – How to Build Mental Toughness through Powerlifting

      Ep066: Marilyn Okoro – Mental Health and Resilience: Lessons from an Olympic Medalist

      Ep110: Dan Steele – How to Increase Mental Fortitude: Secrets from an Olympian

      Other Helpful Resources

      Driscolls Model of Reflection

      Blog – Do You Really Want to Succeed

      Blog – 12 Reasons Why You Won’t Achieve Your Potential

      Blog: 9 Tips for Children from Olympians



      Also, kindly consider taking the 60-seconds it takes to leave an honest review and rating for the podcast on iTunes, they’re extremely helpful when it comes to the ranking of the show and we read every single one of them!

      David Charlton

      Best Wishes 

      David Charlton

      Global Sports Psychologist who is located near Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK and willing to travel Internationally.  David also uses online video conferencing software (Zoom, Facetime, WhatsApp) on a regular basis and has clients who he has supported in USA, Canada, South America, UAE, Australian and New Zealand.  

      Managing Director – Inspiring Sporting Excellence and Founder of The Sports Psychology Hub.  With over 10 years experience supporting athletes, coaches, parents and teams to achieve their goals, quickly. 

      T: +44 7734 697769

      E: [email protected]

      Search Our Sports Psychology Website

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      Are you an athlete, coach or parent that would like to learn how to create sustainable high performance? Receive our free regular newsletter, where we share proven mental toughness and high performance tips and strategies. If you want some support and motivation straight to your inbox, then sign up below.

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        Observations: 3 Things That Stop You Achieving Your Goals

        EP 134 Episode Cover David Charlton

        Observations: 3 Things That Stop You Achieving Your Goals

        David Charlton

        By working with David Charlton, you and your organisation will be better equipped to rise to modern day challenges and better informed to thrive on and off the pitch, course or court.  Where he inspires individuals and teams to:

        • Cope with pressure and challenges more effectively
        • Maintain positive mental health
        • Compete with confidence more often
        • Manage your emotions better
        • Improve your commitments levels

        David is a Mental Toughness Practitioner, as well as a Health Care and Professions Council (HCPC) Registered Sport and Exercise Psychologist.  He has successfully supported athletes, teams and organisations for over 10 years in order to ensure that they perform at their maximum more often.

        He has a comprehensive knowledge around the development of Mental Toughness, a plastic personality trait, which determines or limits people to deal effectively with change, challenges and stressors. In today’s climate, during the Coronavirus pandemic this quality is becoming more and more valuable to individuals, teams and organisations. 

        In this short solo episode, I share 2 short clips from the previous 2 episodes where I chat with Kevin Stansfield and Christina Flach to inspire and motivate you to reflect on your journey.  My hope is that you will pick up some nougats of advice from the business world and then go on to adapt your approach and take some action so that you give yourself the best chance of achieving your goals and using the time and resources that you have available much better.

        Key Learning Points

        • A key question to ask yourself is – HOW CAN I REACH MY POTENTIAL?
        • 3 things that stop people from achieving their full potential:
        1. Failure to take ownership and be honest with themselves
        2. Not understanding why you do what you do
        3. Fear of what may or may not happen if you do or don’t do…

        Connect with David Charlton


        Join David @ The Sports Psychology Hub

        Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn

        Relevant Podcast Episodes

        Ep21: Steve Hackney – How to Reach Your Full Potential

        Ep100: Compilation – 50 Secrets for Optimal Performance and Positive Mental Health

        Ep106: Amy Rowlinson – Why is knowing my WHY important?

        Ep132: Kevin Stansfield – How Lessons from the Great Game of Golf can Help You Win the, Equally Great, Game of Business

        Ep133: Why Mental Toughness is Important: Lessons from Sport, Business and Loss

        Other Relevant Blogs and Resources

        Motivation for Sport Quiz

        Performance Profile

        Blog: For Better Golf Use a Growth Mindset – Sports Psychology

        Blog: Coach Development – Helping Athletes Overcome Fear of Failure

        Blog: Supporting Children in Sport with Positive Feedback

        Blog: How to Find Your Why 



        Also, kindly consider taking the 60-seconds it takes to leave an honest review and rating for the podcast on iTunes, they’re extremely helpful when it comes to the ranking of the show and we read every single one of them!

        David Charlton

        Best Wishes 

        David Charlton

        Global Sports Psychologist who is located near Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK and willing to travel Internationally.  David also uses online video conferencing software (Zoom, Facetime, WhatsApp) on a regular basis and has clients who he has supported in USA, Canada, South America, UAE, Australian and New Zealand.  

        Managing Director – Inspiring Sporting Excellence and Founder of The Sports Psychology Hub.  With over 10 years experience supporting athletes, coaches, parents and teams to achieve their goals, quickly. 

        T: +44 7734 697769

        E: [email protected]

        Search Our Sports Psychology Website

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        Are you an athlete, coach or parent that would like to learn how to create sustainable high performance? Receive our free regular newsletter, where we share proven mental toughness and high performance tips and strategies. If you want some support and motivation straight to your inbox, then sign up below.

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          Do You Know Your Why?

          Jon Bartlett

          Do You Know Your Why? Jon Bartlett is a high performance sport professional who has a passion for inspiring others and effecting positive change.  He possesses extensive experience in providing leadership and performance support to teams, coaches, athletes and staff across the globe, and has developed a collaborative, empowering, innovative and strategic approach that is